I discover I am


As I yearn to be,

I imagine a time where I am happy,

the pressure of performing is lost,

in the heart of struggle,

I know I can,

I believe I can,

I trust I can,

I discover I am.

With no care to fit the mold,

I discover love,

every blemish appreciated,

cleansed by contentment’s touch,

I let go,

releasing the weight of expectations,

freeing the mind to think,

I stand,

choosing life,

I take command.


Rediscovering my love for working out

For about 2 months I been going through the motions when it comes to working out.  I was working out but not putting in the positive energy necessary to give my all.  I would be more focused on the time than the exercise.  If I was doing a workout video I would not push myself at all.  I realized that I lost sight of my love for exercising.  I turned it into a job which took away all the fun.

For the last 2 weeks I have recommitted myself to pursuing a deeper level physically as well as spiritually.  I am pushing pass the barriers I created in my mind and I have found my spark again.  It is about loving yourself.  Exercising gives your body the energy it needs.

One thing I am learning don’t make promises just live in God’s promises.  I can’t trust myself to keep my promise but I can trust God to keep His.  I am excited because I needed those months of distraction to show me that there is so much more to achieve and I going after it.

I work out not because I have to but I love to.

My journey today: P90X2 Plyocide



My weight loss journey through Insanity, P90X and Insanity Asylum

It has been six months since my last blog.  In that time I has completed Insanity 60 day workout, P90X 90 day workout and Insanity Asylum 30 day workout.  I am currently doing a hybrid workout progam that includes Insanity and Insanity Asylum.  It is kicking my butt too.  The crazy thing about doing the workouts is how my body adjusted to them.  I would see great weight loss results in the first month of being a new program and then my weight would stay the same for the rest of the program.  At first I was frustrated because my expectations were I would be at my goal weight of 170 lbs by the end of the year but it seemed the harder I worked to get to the weight.  The more weight I would gain back. 

I started 2011 at 210 pounds before I started Insanity in June 2011 I was about 199 pounds.  The lowest I got in 60 days was 185 lbs but my the end of 60 days I was 190 lbs.  I loved Insanity for it was the hardest workout program I ever did.  It challenged me to go beyond my limits.  My only issue was there was no weight training so I turned to P90X. 

P90x is very hard and has great weight training workouts that I enjoyed.  I did not enjoy the cardio workouts as much for after doing Insanity it was too slow paced and boring.  My results at the end of P90x I was 182 lbs but after a week off the program I was 187 lbs.  This is when I decided to take my advice from a previous blog post and stop looking at the weight scale. lol. 

Now I am in the best shape of my life at 184 to 185 lbs.  I can see the transformation I have gone through physically and mentally over the past year.  No matter how I felt (sick, sore, unmotivated) I made a committment to stick to my workout programs and finish them and I did.  Now it apart of my life.  I don’t have to pump myself up to workout, I just get up and do it. 

My current program Insanity Asylum/Insanity Hybrid program is very challenging because many days I have two workouts with just a couple of rest days.  I look forward to share more of my journey with you. 

Advice:  Don’t jump into a workout program.  Take your time and discover what you can do that you will enjoy.  Zumba, dancing, running, weight training, walking, swimming, tennis, Beachbody dvd programs.  We are all different.  It is important that you do what you love for it will be easier to stay committed to something you love. 

My journey today:  Insanity Asylum Vertical Plyo & Insanity Asylum Back to Core workouts.  Breakfast: Grits & Bacon 🙂 Mango fruit smoothie and water

Be a giver

I am on my better health journey and I am making progress.  One of the things I am working on now is to be a giver.  I want to be a giver more than a receiver.  You see it is easy to sit at a table and be waited on by someone else but it takes growth and humility to serve others. 

I can be selfish a lot of times.  I don’t think about what others may need or want that I have to give.  I believe that if I think of others as much as I think about myself, I will be happy by making someone else happy.  I believe that world needs more givers.  It needs more people loving with no hidden agenda.  I don’t think giving is asking to much.  Whatever I have (money, time, love, respect, wisdom, smile) I want to give away. 

When you give you lose nothing but gain everything. 

I need grace to help me with this.  There are times when I am afraid to share what I have with others but I am learning that I can only give what I have.  Have a great day. Smile!

My journey today: 25 minute full body workout, 15 minute yoga workout

Brand New Car – Breaking unhealthy habits

When you want something new you have to go after it.  A lot times people talk about changing their lives but can’t seem to change anything because old habits are hard to break.  You are just one choice of away from taking back your power.    

If you have a new car you don’t allow anyone ride that have dirty feet or clothes.  You love your new car so much you don’t want anything to tarnish its beauty.  Today your body and mind is new. You look and feel great.   Ask yourself:

What do you want to put in your body and mind today?

What will keep you at your highest level?

Do you really want to weighed down but negative thoughts and foods that drain your energy?

You are the owner of your body.  It is your choice what rides with you and what fuel you put in the tank.  When you change your outlook that each day, each moment is new, you can then cherish your life and decisions before you.  Enjoy the ride! You are worth it. 🙂

My journey today: 25 minute lower body Taebo workout (Thanks Billie lol), 5 minute chest workout

Climbing the mountain

Beauty awaits you at the top of your mountain of “better health”.  No matter how long it takes, how hard the journey is; good things lie ahead.  The key is to keep moving forward.  You may slip on a “rock” once and awhile or maybe everyday but just keep moving forward.  Your journey is yours to experience and enjoy.  You determine your pace.  Don’t be so eager to get to the top of the mountain that you don’t learn the lessons on the way that will sustain you in your new life.  Don’t worry too much about results or devalue your progress because you see someone ahead of you.  Your journey can not be compared to anyone else.  You have things that you have to work out and some things you have to let go of before you reach the “better” you. 

So have fun! 

Enjoy yourself. 

Ask yourself what can I can I try new today to challenge myself? 

One thing you will realize on your journey is that the beauty at the top of your mountain can compare to the beauty you already possess in you. 🙂 Everytime you get a little frustrated about your progress (weight loss, mental burdens, self confidence, you can fill in the blank__________) tell yourself:

I am worth it.  I won’t give up.  I am moving forward.  I am changing. 

Don’t allow what you hear behind keeping you from moving towards what’s ahead of you.  Until next time.  Keep climbing, you are getting closer 🙂


My journey today: 15 minute lower body weight training, 15 minute Zumba “rapido” workout

Start where you are!


What is keeping you from the lifestyle you desire?  It is not your children or your spouse.  It is not your parents or co-workers.  It is not your culture or job.  It is you.  You determine your lifestyle.  The power is in your hands.  This is where your journey starts; with you. 

You have the power to change.   It is not about creating some workout plan that adds more stress to your already stressful life.  It is about asking yourself. 

What do I really want?  What will make me happy?  What can I do right now? 

Life is a journey and on the journey we pick up habits and routines that makes us comfortable and keeps us from living the life we want to live.  We forget how fun it is to discover new things. 

Whatever you have done in the past does not have to determine what you can do now.  Changing your lifestyle can be uncomfortable and painful but it is also rewarding and exciting.  It is not about anyone giving you a plan to follow.  You carry your plan in your heart.  Be empowered to follow your heart.  For true health starts inside you. 

The best way to good health is your way.  Have a great day 🙂

My Journey today:  1 mile jog (Leslie Sansone Dvd) Ab workout (Denise Austin Dvd)