Living beyond the results

The last couple of weeks, I have been exercising but I have been in a funk.  Nothing that I was doing was enjoyable.  To pull myself together, I switched up workouts and added some serious weight training to my routine.  Still I was not happy.  Yesterday it clicked.  I realized that I lost sight of why I exercise.  For me it is not for the results.  It is not because it is the “right” thing to do.  It is because I love to be active and exercise.  It was never about what I did but rather my intent on why I do it.  It was like a huge burden fell off my shoulders.

There is no pressure to get it all right.  Yes, I have many goals that I want to achieve but what good are results if you don’t love what you are doing.  I will be in a worst position than I started it.

I am on a journey of love.  Connecting to activities that activate the best parts of me.  I am thankful for the funk, for it brought me back to love.  I exercise not for results but because I love it.  It energizes me to pursue the life I desire.

I want to encourage you to find what makes you happy and do it.  Run, play with your kids, walk, weight train, play basketball, play wii, lol.  zumba, dance.  Don’t get caught up on the finish line but consume yourself in loving where you are now.  Be happy!

My journey today: HIIT Cardio Bodyweight workout, morning walk around a lake with my lovely wife & bowl of cereal.

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